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Mantra & Naad-Yoga 20h Kompakt-Weiterbildung


Mantra Yoga and Naad Shakti: Connecting with the real power of sound - mit Manish Vyas
This program of 20 hours will include an in-depth learning of various aspects of Mantra Yoga
In connection with the Yoga practices as well as daily practices in meditation and other activities. It will offer an insight on how to incorporate Mantra, its sound, its practice and its understanding and bring more integration, balance and peace into the daily life. It will also introduce the application of specific usages of Mantras, in order to connect with the real Naad Yoga and how it can bring a transformation. This course is designed for anyone who truly wants to dive deeper into the sciences from India and understand the root meaning behind these ancient practices.



Yoga Veda Ausbildungen
Werkhofstrasse 18
6005 Luzern




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